Military Leadership Philosophy Essay

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My philosophy on leadership is very basic, at least to me. It is one built on teamwork, respect, trust, communication, and self-improvement. A leader must be able to effectively communicate with their Soldiers and be able to accept constructive criticism from them on their leadership skills. A good leader must know how to lead as well as how to follow. And lastly a good leader must have a mutual respect with their Soldiers. Build an environment that is positive and encourages teamwork. Make sure that everyone has a specific task in order to complete the mission. If someone is just sitting around doing nothing, encourage them to link up with another person in order to learn what they are working on. This not only ensures that everyone is gainfully employed but it also encourages the Soldiers to come together as a team. Ensure that you express how well your team is working together. Don’t give the Soldiers work that you wouldn’t do, this will hurt the morale of your team. …show more content…

A great leader must have a mutual respect with their subordinates. Don’t look down on a Soldier just because you outrank them. Too many times in my career I have seen this and all it did was make a Soldier resent their leader. If you have a Soldier who knows more about a certain subject than you do, have that Soldier share their knowledge with you. It doesn’t make you a weak person, this shows your Soldier that you respect what they know. If your team is working together and there is mutual respect all around then trust will be built. One of the biggest things about being a leader is that your Soldiers trust that you have their best interest in mind when you make a decision. A way that I have always earned trust is through transparency. If you start off with honesty, sincerity and openness, then your Soldiers will trust you with everything in

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