Military Leaders Vs Organizational Leaders

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14. Military leaders have some of the same qualities as organizational leaders, but they may come across differently due to the strict training that they have had. Both types of leaders are going to have a mindset to get the job done, but an organizational leader is going to be looking more at the bottom line. Another reason military leaders may differ from organizational leaders is that they are trained for battle and not for running an organization. Having known people that are leaders in the military, their overall approach to leadership is different than someone who is supervising members of an organization. Both types of leaders may require structure with the people that they work with but military leaders are going to be more direct and have a more in your face approach. …show more content…

Military leadership lessons are not going to always apply to the organizational structure. In an organization leadership there has to be some compassion and caring about the individuals that are working there, but with the military they are strictly about business. Military leaders are more direct and stern which may not work with everyone in an organization. Military leaders would have to relearn how to address individuals that they are in charge of when working for an organization due to not everyone can be address liked they are in the military. In many organizations that I have worked for there is a transactional leadership approach, which means the leaders help their followers to set goals by clarifying roles and task assignments (Robbins & Judge, 2015). This may not happen in the military so a military leader would have to learn how to help set these goals along with what would need to be done to help the follower to reach their

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