Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial Essay

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Microsoft Advertisement The 2014 Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial focused on empowering people through modern technology. This Advertisement was effective through its use of sentimental imagery that would grab the viewer’s emotions while still presenting a strong sense of technological involvement. Though the evidence of Microsoft’s involvement is not clearly apparent until the logo at the end of the film, you can find enough subtle hints that infer that the technology seen is a result of Microsoft. This ad may only be one minute long but in this the short amount of time it shows about 20 scenes that portray Microsoft’s ability to empower people of all ages and backgrounds. The commercial starts out with a man looking at a screen with a keyboard on it as it types. Directly after a computerized voice asked the question “What is Technology?” …show more content…

First was the boy with the prosthetic legs when an image of a program measuring the angle of extension in one of the fake legs appeared before you see him walk. This gives the impression that Microsoft’s expertise in programing have enabled this young child to have the ability to walk. Next is the multiple uses of video communication that provide the idea that Microsoft have a supreme power that allows people to talk and see others from around the world. One pure scene of ethos is when a couple of doctors are using a monitor to view a three dimensional model of a rib cage as they control the viewing angle with the motion of their hands. This is possible through the use of a Microsoft product called the Kinect, which captures the user’s movements and translates them in the program. Even the Narrator’s voice is a result of Microsoft’s expertise in technology. These show that Microsoft used a strong sense of ethos to portray their company’s involvement in the people’s

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