Super Bowl Commercials Essay

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Super Bowl commercials are reputable for being filled with well-known brand names and references the average viewer can understand. However, there are a handful of commercials that have a more specific audience and contain esoteric references meant only for its target group. This year, Nintendo reserved a 30-second commercial slot to commemorate the 20th anniversary of one of its biggest video game franchises, Pokémon. The commercial features a random individual who witnesses an impressive feat, inspiring him to do something remarkable himself. This act, in turn, galvanizes another to a course of achievement, thus commencing a cycle which repeats several times. The last person finds himself in a grandiose Pokémon battle in a stadium filled …show more content…

From the opening scene, the pounding of drums reminiscent of tribal battle music strikes the ears of the audience. A child sprints onto the scene and witnesses a great conflagration erupting into the air, constructing an exciting mood in conjunction with the abrupt entrance of the music and instantly piquing the interest of the unassuming viewer. As the commercial progresses, the music slowly builds intensity, quickening its pace and raising its volume incrementally, keeping the viewers engaged. In the middle of the commercial, a football team passes under an arch on which the words “Like No One Ever Was” appears. These words, a line in the first Pokémon theme song that the average person may not recognize, immediately catches the eye of the old Pokémon fans, creating a nostalgic appeal. Finally, the setting shifts to a metropolitan region, where the commercial culminates in a lavish display of bright lights and intense color. In this Pokémon battle scene, the Pokémon seem to effervesce, their brilliant blue and orange hues in sharp contrast with the black and white of the dark stadium blown up with powerful spotlights. The juxtaposition of colors paints a dynamic picture which keeps eyes glued to the screen all the way to the end of the commercial. The build-up of color and visual appeal amalgamated with the steadfast beat of the music establishes an energetic atmosphere that resonates with Nintendo’s celebration and allows the Super Bowl viewers to join in the

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