Mexican Soldaderas Analysis

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“To solve national problems, the Mexicans look deeply into themselves for an answer.” This statement rings most true with the stories of the Soldaderas. They had to look to themselves to help their cause, and Mexico’s. This was the women’s time to shine and change the men of Mexico’s minds. The revolution was the perfect revenue for this feminist breakthrough. The Soldaderas of the Mexican revolution were undoubtedly the key factor in many things, including but not limited to, the winning of the war and the breakdown of sexist walls. The women did just about everything that needed to be done during the war. They traveled with the men as they crossed the rough terrain. They cooked, cleaned, dressed wounds, and fought next to the men they loved. They ran into battle with their children strapped to their backs. They were ruthless and heroic. They fought for more than most of the men. It was not for just a free Mexico they fought but also a free women. It is believed that many of the men would’ve deserted without their women by their sides. …show more content…

Often the stories of these women are overly sexualized and romantic. Or their stories are forever lost. These brave women do not deserve their stories being tainted. That is why it is important to find the true stories of the soldaderas. One of those stories is of Colonel Mara Quinteras de Meras who was a highly honored Soldadera that was even given respect by Pancho Villa. She fought in ten battles with his armies from 1910 to 1913. Her husband was a captain in her command. A book about Soldaderas highlights just how brave she was. “According to the El Paso Morning Times (May 7, 1914), [she] had won ‘her shoulder straps’ for her actions in battle” (Salas

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