Mental Health Persuasive Speech Essay

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Hello audience, I am a young, healthy boy who is currently enrolled as a senior student in secondary school education. I am here to inform and address you of the issue about the lack of mental health care service support at elementary and secondary schools. From personal experience every year and every day I have attended school, I see students who hide and face conflict frequently. One of my close friends deals with challenges almost every day! It saddens me and many others to see that no mental-health support is provided to these fighters. 1 in 5 children and youth under 19 in Ontario has a mental health problem. This hinders their ability to learn and behave properly. Although many children and teens need help, only little support is given. …show more content…

What I fail to see, currently, is a place for everyone to learn equally. Relative to school, students can be divided into many different groups: dumb, smart, rebellious, notorious, popular, and such people, however, no matter what “group” you are allocated in, everyone is susceptible to a mental health problem. 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental illness in their lifetime. Half of the people affected do not even consult a doctor, either because it’s their decision, or because of the lack of mental health care services provided. I wish to achieve the point where the 50% is solely because of their decision, there should not be a circumstance where it is due to the absence of mental health

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