Mental Health Counselors

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Generations of mental health counselors often play a pivotal role in the training and supervision of students and new practitioners, as well as passing down the unique art form we now know as counseling today. Whether the necessary clinical skills are being conveyed in an academic setting, through a practicum and or internship experience, or even serving as a clinical supervisor for soon to be licensed or less experienced counselors, supervision is a relevant component of the mental health practice. Within supervision there are a number of models or theoretical frameworks that supervisors may utilize while working with their supervisee. Although there are many distinct models available, the one distinct model that stands out would have to …show more content…

Those domains include intervention skill competencecompetence, assessment techniques, interpersonal assessment, client conceptualization, individual differences, theoretical orientation, treatment plans and goals, and professional ethics () . To further provide clarity; interventions skills competence involves having the confidence to engage in therapeutic interventions with client, assessment techniques evaluates the supervisees ability to administer psychological assessments, interpersonal assessment emphasizes the supervisees ability to conceptualize the clients issues, client conceptualization refers to the supervisees ability to take into account how the clients previous history, surroundings, and personality all effects how the client functions, individual differences takes into account the supervisee being multiculturally competent enough to deal with different cultures/ ethnicities/ races, theoretical orientation takes into consideration the supervisees grasps of theory, treatment plans and goals refers to the supervisees ability to determine appropriate intervention strategies based on the client's identified goals, and lastly professional ethics takes into account the supervisees ability to cohesively apply personal and professional ethics

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