Medical Technology And Ethical Issues: Article Analysis

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The title of this article is called “Medical Technology and Ethical Issues” which is written by William E. Thompson and Joseph V. Hickey. This article is about a hospital that uses this computer program called RIP. RIP decides whether a patient will live or die based on the data that is entered by a staff member. Throughout the article, critics and medical ethicist are very critical, second-guessing and debating about the whole computer program. Based on this entire article about doctors using a computer program in the emergency room, I would not be comfortable with using this program if it was me because 9 times out of 10 the computer can be wrong and it’s more comforting to trust the knowledge from an actual doctor.
Being at the doctor’s office, let alone the emergency room, can be scary for most people. I on the other hand am not scared of being in at the doctor’s office for many reasons, but I would be extremely terrified if a doctor used RIP on me. “If the probability is 95 percent or better that the patient is going to die, regardless of treatment, it is recommended that treatment not be administered (Thompson and Hickey, 2010). With knowing that there’s a 95% …show more content…

“Sociologists are more interested in the social ramifications of such procedures. Decisions about who to treat and how to treat them have always been part of the dynamics of emergency rooms” (Thompson and Hickey, 2010). The name of the computer program isn’t my only problem it’s also because not a lot of hospitals are taking this seriously. “Parents of a teenage daughter who needed a kidney transplant, but couldn’t find a perfect match decided to have another child for the express purpose of providing an organ donor” (Thompson and Hickey, 2010). Reading about that made my stomach drop because of how those parents went to extreme measures in order to save their

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