Meaning of Nazism for Wealthy Army Officers

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Assess the meaning of Nazism for rapaciously rich army officers.

During the period of the Nazi regime within Germany, rich army officers were caught between two state of minds. Those who were supporters of the Nazi regime and those who weren't. This division of loyalty, to the regime and, naturally, to Hitler was very important due to the fact it showed the performance of the Regime. If the Army officers were to not follow the regime, it would undoubtedly show weakness and naturally a weakening of Hitler's leadership. So it was important for Hitler to keep the army officers interested in his ideals and in some cases Hitler found that he would employ cases of Bribery to do so. The meaning of Nazism to the rich army officers was a very important notion. An army officer during this time was shown to be an honourable profession and therefore a rich army officer was shown to be one of the elite members of society. However, the need arose for officials to express their opinions. Hitler used his dominance to sway their opinions and to a certain degree buy their support. This was done through many cases of secret cash payments, salary entitlements, tax free cheques and land estates with no tax liability. In fact, Hitler was requesting that the officers wouldn't question his rule and would get paid for it.

This practice was not spoken between the participants as it was seen as a dirty practice in Nazi Germany. Throughout the time frame of the regime, there were no written confessions based on bribery of any kind and very few written documents were found relating to it. German officers worked exceptionally hard to recoup the image of honourable professionals. So Nazism was a very important idea for them. There are many officers who maintained the honour of their post and conspired against the state before and after the war, due to criminality as well as risky and diasterous military decisions. Many officers were keen to keep up an honourable image and broke their oath to Hitler in order to protect the Wiemar institution and laws of the Republic. This shows that in many cases rich army officers saw the Nazi regime as an opportunity to be seen as honourable professionals and wished to maintain this image.

However, with many officers seeing Nazism as a way to promote themselves honourably others took advantage of the fact they were within the elite and could be fiscally manipulated by Hitler.

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