Mass Media Impact On American Culture Essay

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The history of human interaction has changed in the past 50 years, which arguably has changed human civilization and values. As we progressed from writings on a wall, to the Renaissance and to the Printing Era, we arrived to the era of Information or mostly known as the era of Technology. Mass media is any type of communication whether written or broadcasted that reaches a large audience. This includes television, radio, advertising, movies, the internet,newspapers, magazines, and so forth. Mass media is significant in modern culture, particularly in America. These types of media desensitized individuals in communities and have such power to divide people based on the information that these medias send out to the public. The extent of influence …show more content…

Americans in particular, gather new information, and form new opinions about the world around us on a daily basis. Mass media can really impact the way we as Americans think of other cultures. There is constantly violent things shown on every type of media outlet. In example, ISIS, is the most violent threat that we have as of right now. Our society concludes that what Isis has done is extremely wrong when in other nations it might be seen as justice or acceptable. There are Americans who feel a deep hatred towards the Middle East as an entirety, because of the action of a few, just because of the way mass media has covered the topic. That is the power mass media has covered a society. It can change the perception of the world just by the way they frame a few words, or the form they dramatize a …show more content…

The United States has 300 million workers in domestic markets and more than two billion English speakers in international markets. The US profits from films, tv programs, computer games,etc, in which they are made in the US and then exported internationally. This giving the US a healthy advantage over other nations. The United States also forms new methods of communications by either inventing them or perfecting them. TV broadcasting is a good example of this. In the 1950s, American TV networks created new popular program like game shows, soap operas, mystery shows, situation comedies (sitcoms), that were later exported internationally. The US then later creates the “cable TV” expanding the variety and quality of American shows creating such international best

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