Media Influence On American Culture Essay

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People in countries around the world are worrying about the influence American media has on their national culture; they’re worried that everyone wants to be an American and that no one cares about their own culture anymore. However, this essay will argue that American media is affecting other cultures for the better and trying to preserve them to the best of the American media’s ability.

Other cultures being affected by American media makes cultures more open to each other and can help prevent prejudice. For example: American media has always been very good at promoting democracy, free speech and liberty for all. This is why other cultures being affected by American media can be a good thing, if the message of democracy, free speech and …show more content…

The movie world used to be dominated by Hollywood, and it still is to some degree, but now people also have the option of watching movies made in Nigeria (Nollywood) and India (Bollywood). This means that people can watch movies that portray their culture and their daily struggles. The issue is that these movies aren’t as popular as the mainstream movies that Hollywood makes. This may be because Nollywood and Bollywood movies are not in English and therefore they do not reach an international audience. Hollywood, and American media in general, is always in English which makes it a lot more accessible to an international audience. People want to see/hear/read things they understand, and if they can’t understand the language it’s easier to just go see/hear/read American media that they don’t have to exert effort to do. Plenty of people from India and Nigeria may prefer to watch American Hollywood movies, simply to escape their daily struggles. Watching a movie that depicts their daily struggles doesn’t make it easy to forget them, and sometimes that is all they want from a movie, which makes American media perfect for

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