Media Influences On American Culture

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1 Mass Media Allyson Wells Hum/186 Media Influences on America Culture September 14,2015 Maricela Casillas 1 Media has had many changes in the past years. Growing up I remember my mom saying that we were lucky to have color televisions now. She would say that when she was younger she would have to hear her stories and games over the radio because back then there was no televisions. Another way of getting entertained was reading stories. The newspaper and the radio was the only way of getting news back then. I thought it was funny when my mom told me that since they were one of the few families that had a television in the neighborhood, she would charge the kids 10 cents to watch television in her house. This was actually a pretty smart thing to do. …show more content…

We use to have the desk top computers which we could only use at home or work that occupied a lot of space. Now we have laptops, tablets, and smart phones. It is nice to have this types of devices because we are able to use it as a means of communications. We are able to surf the web on our smart phones and also compose or answer emails. Movies and television programs can also be viewed on our phones, laptops and tablets. With the advances in technologies there has been many bookstore close because we are able to download books and read them in our hand held devices. It is sad to see so many businesses close due to the advances in technologies. What I do like about being able to download books is that we no longer have to find somewhere to store the books because we can save them in our devices. Since we are also able to view movies on our electronic

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