Male Athletes Vs Female Athletes Essay

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Sports have a huge part in many lives. Some play and watch sports for excitement while some are hoping to make it to the big time one day. Every athlete dreams of making it to the big time one day. However, male athletes tend to be more well known than female athletes. Male athletes often play in sell out arenas and stadiums, rake in money by the millions, and are shown on television and other major media platforms countless times after a game or for promotion. On the other hand, female athletes don’t get the same benefits male athletes do. Female athletes often are facing lower amenities in the facilities in which they play games and practice at, significantly less media coverage, and also make significantly less money than male athletes. …show more content…

When it comes to publicity there is no bigger way than having your teams name and brand shown on television. Paul Pederson (2016) wrote in “Examining Stereotypical Written and Photographic Reporting on the Sports Page: An Analysis of Media Coverage of Athletics” that women’s athletics receive less than 2% of the total air time on the world's leading sports network ESPN. Television is the top way to gain popularity and revenue. Women’s sports are doing everything they can to grow their respective sports only to be outbid by male athletics. Television stations such as ESPN adjust their programing to what the majority of their viewers want to see. At the moment, ESPN believes their audience wants to see profesional male teams highlights and games as opposed go female sports. Due to that want ESPN among other networks grants advertising and programing time to these male times so the situation becomes a win-win the sports team which is normally a male team on that is playing on the network get’s key publicity and revenue money while ESPN get’s a boost in ratings. While woman’s sports have yet to reach the height of male sports there is a way for them to get more money and

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