Major Ethical Violations

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1. What are the major ethical issues in this case?
One of the major ethical issues in this case is the fact that there is a lack of informed consent. Doctors are not talking clearly with their patients they are not giving the right to patients to know about the potential risks and alternative procedures they could make. Instead, doctors are practicing defensive medicine and ordering extra tests and individuals they know have no hope. Another major issue is the fact that individuals are not given the right to self-determination. Every human being of adult with a sound mind has the right to determine what shall be done with his or her own body, and unfortunately, are not respecting people’s rights.
2. Using the textbook (pg27-29) identify some major ethical violations presented in this case Some of the ethical violations presented in this video is in violation of providing patient care and appropriate use of resources. As highlighted in the text providing excellent care with compassion, competence, and trust depends on …show more content…

As illustrated with what happen to Meredith Snedeker with her mother given $40,000 worth of care in her last two months of life and not one of her 25 doctors sat down with her mom and her family and discussed how she wanted to die. One of the possible solutions is having a POLST form set in place with the provider already so that when day comes there is no such miss communication and so on going on. Other things can include having a durable power of attorney and living will set in place. We are not immortals, our lives are not guaranteed and even thought we do not like thinking of the idea that one day we not here, we need to have things like this implemented so that there is no so much burden and suffering at the

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