Machine Power and Agrarian Workers

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Working the lifestyle of a full-time farmer is hard work. These agrarian workers have to involve themselves in intensive manual labor when they step on their farmlands. Worse of all, to complete their jobs successfully, they have to risk their health during each task. Tasks such as pulling rooted crops off the ground or bending over to pick up grains off the floor are just a few examples of what farmers cope with, and they all come with a price. In this case, the farmers’ price is the risk of getting long-term back aches from bending over too long or being inflicted with superficial wounds from manually pulling a crop. This type of body neglect shows just how brutal the life of a farmer is. Their work is relevant to a nightmare than a job. Fortunately, the tables turned when an inventor by the name of Cyrus Hall McCormick found a solution to the farmers’ misfortune. After watching farmers risk their lives on their farmlands, Cyrus decided to invent a machine that will ease the labor effort of farmers and change their lifestyle of farming. He constructed a mechanical tool called the ...

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