Love And Love: The Importance Of Relationships

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We always hear that close relationships are crucial to having a happy and healthy life. I believe this statement is true but I find that the challenge for myself is being able to do the work needed in keeping the relationship going smoothly and also finding the time to connect with these special someones. At this point in time my life things are relatively peaceful and my relationships seem to be going on an even keel, therefore I’m a happy person. I recognize the extreme importance in having wholesome, loving people around me which is why relational maintenance is very important. Relational maintenance is using a variety of behaviors and techniques to sustain and strengthen different types of relationships. Out of the various relationships that I currently have, there are two people that take more maintenance than the others and I would like to discuss these in my paper. The first relationship is with my boyfriend and the second is with my brother. Staying committed to the ideas I write about below, helps me focus on …show more content…

When I know I’ve said or done something hurtful (usually deliberately out of anger) or wrong, I apologize. When he apologizes to me, I try and accept his apology graciously instead of using it as a way to belittle him (which is my first reaction). I also forgive him for things that he doesn’t even apologize for: when he pretends he's listening to me when he's obviously not, when he leaves his beard stubble in the sink, when he asks me if I’m going to eat something and he takes it off my plate and plops it into his mouth before I even have time to respond. I’ve learned that a good solid base of forgiveness and acceptance that everyone has shortcomings, has helped me build a warm and lasting relationship with the person I love. Life is too short to hold grudges and I can see and feel the strain it puts on our relationship if I choose not to forgive

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