Loss In The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold

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Tragedy Strikes Home Many people experience grief when they lose a loved one. Each individual deals with grief in a different manner; when someone passes away, one feels upset, angry, and/or guilty, these are all common emotions. When losing a loved one, the process of recovery can be very difficult, especially if it is a tragic one. There can also be positive things when death occurs. Alice Sebold's novel The Lovely Bones could be read as a study in transformation caused by a tragic event. Fourteen year old Susie Salmon, the main character, is murdered by her neighbour Mr. Harvey. Susie watches in heaven over her grief-stricken family as well as her killer. Author Alice Sebold demonstrates that the effect of loss can also lead to positivity, …show more content…

Her death tears her family apart, but then they unite together shown through Susie’s parents, Abigail and Jack. Susie’s father, Jack, is a loving father who knows the truth of his daughter’s murder, but struggles to find any sort of proof. Jack says to Lindsey after he strongly believes that Mr. Harvey is the killer; “There is no doubt in my mind [....] “no evidence” is all they can say”(164). While Abigail is a very complicated woman who has rebelled against her family, abandoning them to go to California, Jack asks Abigail “Hey ocean eyes [...] Where’d you go on us”(221). Jack becomes consumed of trying to find Susie’s killer, but instead results in his knee injury and ruined marriage which promptly makes Abigail leave her family. Jack’s heart attack immediately brings Abigail back home, she makes amends with her family, and forgets about the past. She reconnects with Jack and both realize the love they have for one another. He says to her while on the hospital bed “I fell in love with you again; While you were away”(283). Susie’s death affects her parents both deeply, but they overcome Susie’s death and realize the amount of love they have for one another. Susie’s death serves as unity in her parents

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