The Lovely Bones Research Paper

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The Lovely Bones is a well known fiction thrilling movie that has several themes that include love, grief, family, time, unity, mortality, and death, although out of all of those themes the theme of time connects the story of The Lovely Bones together. Life is so valuable and fragile and it makes us question what is the purpose of life and whether we live it to the fullest or not we must continue to live it like it’s our last. The passing of time affects every aspect of an individual’s life and it can make life seem so valuable and it makes us question if we have enough of it. Although, we should not dwell on that idea and continue living life to the fullest no matter what circumstance it’s under.
The Lovely Bones is a fiction film, however …show more content…

Harvey on December 6, 1973. The film follows the life of Susie Salmon who lived in a small suburban town in Norristown, Pennsylvania. She lived with her mother Abigail Salmon, her father Jack Salmon, her thirteen year old sister Lindsey Salmon, and her four year old brother Buckley Salmon. Susie has always dreamed of becoming a photographer she would take pictures of nature, animals, her family, and even her crush Ray. She believed photos were timeless and also told a story. One day, as Susie is walking home from school she decides to walk through the cornfield close to her house so she can get home more quickly, but she comes across her neighbor George Harvey. Susie doesn’t recognize who the man in the cornfield is, so she decides to keep walking. She doesn't realize that Mr.Harvey has built an underground den full with some of his personal belongings, he eventually lures Susie into his shelter. She was so curious on what was in his underground shelter, and with it being set in the 70’s and Susie being only 14 years old, she thought nothing odd about the situation that she was getting herself into. Being inside the den, as time went on Susie becomes very uncomfortable being alone with Mr.Harvey, so she attempts to leave and escape, but sadly that doesn't happen for 14 year old Susie. Unfortunately, Susie was brutally beaten, raped, and murdered by her neighbor who she thought was friendly, and is never seen again by her friends and family. Mr. Harvey manipulated Susie into thinking he was a friendly man, but that wasn't the case at

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