Lope De Vega Research Paper

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Term Paper: Lope De Vega According to Wilson and Goldfarb (2012) Lope Felix De Vega Caprio was considered an important asset to Spanish theatre and high on the list for best dramatist of all time. In the Spanish Golden Age, however, he was the best-known dramatist. In his entire lifetime, Lope De Vega wrote around 1800 plays, give or take a few hundred. The nature of this number is simply an estimate due to not knowing whether or not how many plays he actually wrote. Keeping in mind that Shakespeare wrote a mere number of plays in comparison to Lope De Vega total plays, Shakespeare is one of the few playwrights that surpass Lope’s extraordinary work. Although Lope De Vega wrote copious amounts of plays, the quality of his plays may have …show more content…

To fulfill his religion’s eternal gift of salvation by God, in the same year he was baptized in a church with the name of San Miguel de los Octoes (Hayes 1967). This church is evidently not in existence in modern time. In total, there were three children in Lope’s family, but the second son born to Francisca Fernandez Flores and Félix de Vega (Lope de Vega, n.d.). The foundation of Lope De Vega’s knowledge resulted from his parents who raised him having a liberal education. (Bates, 1906) According to Bates (1906), Lope De Vegas’s family was of low socioeconomic status, so despite their position in society, his parents were still able to give him an education. Years passed and in 1572 at the age of 10 years old, Lope began learning Spanish and Castilian under a man named Vicente Espinel. This man was a known Spanish writer/musician and was famous for La vida del Escudero Marcos de Obregón (Lope de Vega, n.d.). Lope studied under Vicente Espinel until he started attending a Jesuit school in 1574 (Hayes, 1967). While attending this school, Lope learned many things and even may have been apart of his school productions. Specifically, Lope De Vega studied humanities at the Jesuit Imperial College (Lope de Vega, n.d.). In 1574, Lope was 12 years old, which is the age when it is reported that he wrote his first play. In awe of Lope’s personality and …show more content…

Primarily, Lope De Vega wrote comedies and auto sacramentales. Comedies of the Spanish Golden Age were three act serious and comic plays that outlined themes of love and honor emphasizing the unity of time. Auto sacrementales were religious plays that were allegorical and short. Wilson and Goldfarb (2012) reveal how scholars suspected that Lope wrote 15,000 plays, but believe that he only actually authored 800 plays in which 470 have survived. Other scholars believe that this number is actually 2,200 dividing these plays into 1,800 comedies and 400 auto sacramentales (Bates, 1906). Additionally, Britannica online believe that the amount of plays that he wrote was 1,800 total plays, but over 400 were auto sacramentales. Regardless of the speculation of the myriad of plays he wrote, scholars are in accord with the great magnitude. In order for Lope to achieve such a great magnitude, it was estimated that he wrote nearly 20 sheets daily (Lope de Vega, n.d.). By 1603, it is estimated that Lope produced 230 plays and then increasing that number to around 1,500 plays in 1632. An interesting fact about Lope’s productions is that about 100 plays were written and staged in a span of 24 hours, speculated by scholars. Aside from his playwrights, Lope also scribed 21 volumes of poetry and prose. Lope De Vega wrote a variety of

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