Look What You Made Me Do Essay

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Swift has released various different albums and singles that have fallen under several diverse genres of music that countless people have loved, but this song defines a whole new version of Taylor Swift. Her latest release of the song “Look what You Made Me Do” has made countless people outrage about how her music is changing too rapidly. On the other hand, there were also numerous accounts that were admiring Taylor about how they absolutely adore her new music and how she is showing her true self. As this song develops more and more critiques I will use concepts from our modules such as quantitative research to analyze how different people are reacting to this new release and what their opinions are on it. Secondly, I will explain how her music has become a social norm by everyone listening to it and acting out the way she did. I will also do comparative research to show how this song has gotten more publicity than her other ones because of how much she has branched out on her music types. Finally, I will incorporate semiotics to show how the …show more content…

With all of the negative responses directed toward Taylor and her new version of music, I’m sure she will begin to think twice about her music in the future. Throughout this paper I was able to learn various distinctive changes throughout Taylors singing career, such as, how she was originally a country artist, how her differences with Kayne West really influenced her music, and lastly how she exposes her music to not only make a difference but to show people that she is not afraid of change and that she will not give in to anyone. Overall after doing quantitative and comparative research, showing how this song reveals social norms in our generation and even how she used semiotics in this song, I found that everyone’s opinions on Taylor Swift is different but the majority of people unfortunately would not rank this song at the top by any

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