Descriptive Essay About Taylor Swift

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At the young age of just twenty-four, singer/songwriter Taylor Swift has already made her mark on the world. With four platinum records, several hit singles, and seven Grammy Awards, the young songwriter has been a source of both entertainment and inspiration for people of all ages. Unlike other artists, Taylor Swift is completely fearless with her songwriting. Whether she’s singing about her first day of school, falling in love, or breaking up with a boyfriend, Swift always shares intimate details about her personal life in her lyrics. Many people love this quality about her, but others think Swift gives women a bad reputation by appearing to be a flawless and blameless victim in her songs. Regardless of the negative thoughts some people have about her, Taylor Swift is undoubtedly a huge success and a role model for teenage girls all over the world. Personally, I absolutely love Taylor Swift. As a fellow singer/songwriter, I am envious of her ability to be so poetically honest because that is what I struggle with most when songwriting. I am always afraid that something I write will end up sounding silly or stupid, which ultimately prevents me from creating something amazing. But fear has surely never stopped Taylor Swift, and I think that’s what makes an artist like her so special. She openly writes about what she’s going through, and she doesn’t care about what other people might think about her. Whenever I listen to one of Swift’s songs, I can’t help but feel like it could have been written specifically for me. It’s almost as if she takes my thoughts and puts them into words, which is quite a valuable talent if you ask me. In fact, for every big milestone in my teenage life, there has been a Taylor Swift song that I could rel... ... middle of paper ... ...ches..." Stewart goes on and states how she believes that writing about her relationships is a child-like, immature thing for Swift to do, especially when the boy she is singing about is so blatantly obvious. Whether the views about Taylor Swift are positive or negative, she still has been extremely successful. Not only has she made lots of money because of her hit singles, platinum records and sold out concert tours, but she has also found a unique way to connect with her fans. Taylor Swift is both praised and ridiculed because of her music and the way she perceives certain situations, but the way I see it, there are going to be positive and negative aspects of every form of media. What sets Taylor Swift apart from the rest though, it how handles herself with grace, hard work and determination and I think that is something that everyone should respect and admire.

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