Lin Manuel Miranda As A Role Model

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Through my life, I have had inspirations come and go, but Lin Manuel Miranda has inspired me Lin Manuel Miranda exhibits all the traits I look for in a role model. He demonstrates compassion, acceptance, and creativity, all of which I look up to. Lin Manuel Miranda is mainly known for his musical contributions to Broadway, which includes In The Heights and, most famously, Hamilton. Hamilton is a revolutionary musical about the founding father, Alexander Hamilton. Manuel Miranda has inspired and taught many people, including me, about the history of the United States, while joining hip-hop and Broadway. I look up to Lin Manuel Miranda’s musicality, being a musician myself, and I aspire to be as great of a musician as him. His lyrical brilliance and interpretation of history educates me each time I listen to Hamilton. It has changed my perception of history. Lin Manuel Miranda has changed the world of music forever, and he has taught me to never throw away my shot. …show more content…

After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, Lin Manuel Miranda raised money and wrote a song called Almost Like Praying in support of the victims affected by the natural disaster. I really look to his compassion for others. At the Tonys, following the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, the entire cast of Hamilton refrained from using muskets to show their love and support to the victims and people affected. When Lin Manuel Miranda accepted his Tony that night, he recited a poem that he wrote about love and acceptance. I deeply admire him for that and his acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community. A good model demonstrates compassion, and Manuel Miranda has exhibited that trait time after

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