Essay On Lin Manuel Miranda

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Lin-Manuel Miranda Lin-Manuel Miranda summed up his feelings about art in an interview: "The ultimate way art can be political is that I think it engenders empathy which is the thing politicians can't seem to do" (Watson). Throughout history, many forms of art have created new ideas in our society and will continue to challenge new ways of thinking and how we communicate with one another. In the last fifteen years, artist Lin-Manuel Miranda has written two Broadway Musicals that have had a major impact on how we historically view our country. By writing stories based on the traditional ideas of the "American Dream" and contemporizing the history of our nation's birth, he has captivated a broad and diverse audience. Lin-Manuel's genius, coupled with his passion for the arts, plays an integral role on how we should view our nation's history, to uphold American values for all of us, not just some of us. Lin-Manuel Miranda was born January 16, 1980, to Puerto Rican parents in the Latino neighborhood of Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan, New York. He grew up as a cultural outsider with a deep understanding of his …show more content…

The book was the biography about one of our founding fathers and our first Treasury-Secretary. While reading the 800-page book, Manuel stated: "Hip-hop songs started rising off the page" (PBS). Alexander Hamilton was born in the Caribbean and was raised in a broken family surrounded by slavery. His father left him, his mother passed away and there was a devastating hurricane on his home island of St. Croix. Alexander Hamilton put pen to paper and wrote a poem and as a result of his writing, won a scholarship and found his way to America. Lin-Manuel describes him as "An immigrant and an outsider who writes his way in" (Keeper of the Flame). When Lin-Manuel read that Hamilton wrote a poem to get off the

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