Alexander Hamilton Thesis

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Alexander Hamilton Did you know that Alexander Hamilton is on the 10 dollar bill? The american revolution started when the english redcoats fired into a crowd of unarmed innocent people. The news spread around america quicker than it got to the king. This was a very big point in history. Alexander Hamilton grew up on the island of Nevis, British West Indies on January 1755 or 1747. During the revolution Hamilton was appointed first secretary of the treasury where he helped a lot with the debt that the revolution caused. In 1777 hamilton became George Washington's assistant. Hamilton was also promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the Continental Army. When he was washington's assistant he wrote a lot of washington's letters and wrote reports on …show more content…

The surrender also lead to 2 treaties signed at Versailles between the French and British. Since there was the Treaty of Paris Hamilton stopped fighting in war when the revolutionary war was over. Hamilton had a good life but it sadly ended on July 12, 1804. The duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr that Alexander Hamilton died from happend on July 11, 1804 a day before his death. Aaron Burr wanted to duel because Alexander Hamilton stopped him from instead of being president he was vice president and he stopped him from being governor of New york. Alexander Hamilton took the first shot and people say he missed on purpose to make Aaron burr seem like a lesser man. Aaron took the next shot fatally wounding Alexander hamilton. So with everything that happens americas is made it tons of different ways. In conclusion Alexander hamilton greatly affected american battles, part of the economy and the documents that hold our country together. Without Hamilton George Washington may have never become president and helped out our country. So I think the most basic thing you do in life change so much in the world and hamilton did a good job in his life to make america a better for everyone by working hard and not giving

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