Leiningers Sunshine Model Paper

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When caring for a patient it is important to evaluate their cultural orientation, the health care expectations, psychological, language and communication patterns. You may only have a brief time for the initial assessment. Using a model as a tool to complete the assessment will help to make it accurate and complete. M. Leiningers Sunshine Model can be helpful, basically there are seven items to assess: 1. Technical, what is their awareness of their current health status, 2. Religious, are there any related health care beliefs, 3. Kinship/Social, what is the patient’s role, 4. Cultural, what value is placed on health care, 5. Political/Legal, what are the community services available to the patient, 6. Economic, what are the patient’s resources and 7. Education, what is the patients’ literacy level. (p. 314) This tool can be utilized with different socioeconomic groups.
Secombe touts four basic theories of poverty, individualism, social structuralism, culture of poverty and fatalism. …show more content…

Structuralism is the result of economic or social imbalances within the social structure that serve to restrict opportunities for some people. Culture of Poverty blends features of the previous two approaches and suggests that the poor have developed a subculture with a related set up values, traits and expectations as a direct results of structural constraints associated with living in isolated pockets of poverty. Fatalism is some believe that poverty is attributable to quirks, chance, luck, inevitable human nature, illness, low intelligence or other forces over which people have little control. (Secombe, 2011, pp.

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