The Structural Theory Of Poverty In The United States

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Poverty is an enormous part of the United States that is highly overlooked. Poverty has an impact on the government, social groups, class, and communities. What exactly is poverty? Poverty in the United States is considered to be when a family makes less than the poverty line set for that year. For example, in 2005 if families of four, two of which are children have a yearly income of less than $19,806 then they are considered poor. One of the greatest sets of problems associated with poverty is drugs. The poor tend to have more legal problems when it comes to illegal drugs. Poverty can cause drug use and drug use can cause poverty. According to research poverty has a strong association to problematic drug use. The pharmaceutical Industry …show more content…

The structural theory of poverty is composed of four parts that include, economic, social, cultural, and political. The economic part is based on a capitalist system (power asymmetry) “wealth for some and poverty for others”. The social part is family, neighborhood, and the people you associate with. Culture is symbolic way we represent things. And finally the political aspect sates that poor people have little power. The poor are poor due to lack of political and economic power. The structural theory is superior to the individualistic theory because the individualistic theory blames poverty on the poor themselves using biogenetic, human capital, and cultural views. Bad genes = low intelligence= poverty. This could be seen as racist and today as we know it race is socially constructed meaning the structural theory explains poverty …show more content…

The United States has an ongoing conversion in the economy that has caused many lives to turn upside down. Many people can testify to the changes including the fact that the richer have been getting richer and the average working Americans have gotten significant hardships. Some of the economic issues that the U.S. has are wage reductions, long-term unemployment, economic insecurity, families getting behind on payments, and no medical or dental insurance. Unlike the Individualistic theory the problem is not the people themselves they do not lack skills or have disable to work the real problem is the political economy. Most people need a job to make a living but we have no control on what jobs are actually available or how much they pay. In reality our lives are in the hands of external forces when it comes to the labor market. In the economic perspective poverty rates are determined by the amount of jobs and their wages. When jobs are low and wages are low the income of Americans goes down and poverty rates goes up. The recession of 2008 could be used to explain this. On the other hand when there is a great amount of jobs and wages are high, the poverty rate goes down and the income of Americans goes

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