Legalizing Marijuana Case Study

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Marijuana (cannabis) has attracted a lot of discussions, with some people opposing while others are supporting its legalization. To determine the position about marijuana legalization in the corporate world and the society at large, I conducted an interview with Ann Taylor, the Deputy Managing Director of Grace Center, a non-profit organization formed to help people addicted to drugs. Ann has been working in the center for 20 years. Her role is to develop a daily schedule of activities for the center and sit in for the director when he is not around. This interview is a clear indication that marijuana should be legalized because it offers health benefits and cannot be abused like other substances.
When asked whether marijuana is considered …show more content…

All the cases are related to other substances. She adds that no any individual has developed a health complication for using marijuana as a recreational substance. Regarding the center’s position on recent reports about medicinal benefits of marijuana, Ann says that they are excited and optimistic about the recent news that marijuana is a perfect alternative for certain medications. She confirms their organization’s unwavering support for any attempts to improve healthcare outcomes at affordable rates. When asked about her personal view about marijuana, Ann admits knowledge of the potential medical benefits of marijuana. She says that she fully supports the use of marijuana as a medicinal drug and that it should be legalized in the US. Ann also expresses optimism that the locals will react positively to marijuana legalization. According to her, many people are suffering silently for lacking better alternatives to conventional medicine. Legalizing marijuana will allow them to use the drug for safety and better health outcomes. She gives an example of her cousin who successfully used marijuana to manage her arthritis. However, Ann recognizes that prolonged use of marijuana could make a person more susceptible to heart attack and

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