Leadership Philosophy Statement

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There are many great aspects of becoming a leader. Satisfactions of leaders include a chance to help others, opportunities for advancement, and high income. At my work, leaders often advance into director roles. From there, they can work in different functions at a high level. Leadership roles are often filled from within and allow for people to advance their careers. Leaders also get the advantage of higher incomes and often higher bonuses based on the team’s performance. Satisfactions of leaders is a motivating factor for me to want to gain a leadership role.
What people want in a leader revolves around three primary traits and skills: integrity, job knowledge, and people-building skills. “When people are asked to define integrity, …show more content…

He took a new role to manage sales professionals to help them build better relationships and help their customers grow their businesses. This is done through mentoring and motivating the sales staff. People-building is important to allow employees to acquire necessary skills to advance.
Contingency theory is most appealing to me as my leadership style. This theory recognizes that the style of leadership is not one-size-fits-all; it's adaptable to each situation. In my current role I do not have direct reports, but instead I oversee two zones which are determined geographically. I am a trainer to both sales professionals and store operations personnel which generally have drastically different skills and values, and require different training and development approaches. The contingency style of leadership allows for maximum effectiveness when matched with the right followers in each situation.
Leadership Behavior Theory is comprised of three styles of leadership: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. The three styles vary in levels of control the leader has over the group. Autocratic leaders have the most control and leave most decision making up to the leader. The democratic style focuses more on group decisions. Finally, laissez-faire leaders maintain low …show more content…

I’ve not had a democratic work environment, but I have been on committees where we ruled by democracy. This allowed each member to have a voice in what direction we would work on a charity campaign. There was still a leader driving the overall strategy. Leadership Behavior Theory is important to illustrate the different levels of control a leader may have.
Negative Leadership is toxic to the workplace environment and morale. These destructive leaders are often incompetent and cruel. Leaders that choose to be closed-minded and unkind cause issues among workers. “Destructive leaders have a toxic effect on their workers and their organizations” (Manning & Curtis, 2015, p.39).
I’ve seen people take promotions and become negative leaders. This may be caused due to inexperience and lack of the necessary skills to manage employees. Leaders must be willing to lead the team and work on their interpersonal skills to find success in their role to avoid becoming a destructive leader. I chose this as an important topic as it become quite common in an office environment.
Styles of leadership: directive, participative, and free-reign play a crucial role in how leaders and followers work together. “An individual usually prefers the same style of leading and style of following” (Manning & Curtis, 2015,

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