Leadership Essay

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How do questions help to ensure that a project is successful? Successful leaders must be skilled in asking their team members questions that will provide useful answers. As stated “If people aren’t giving you helpful answers to your questions, maybe your asking the wrong questions” (Dennis, 2011, para. 1). Questions are essential in keeping a project on track, and are used to help identify any issues or constraints that could affect the outcome of the project. If a leader fails to ask questions they will not know if the project faces any challenges. If the project is facing a challenge, the number one question to ask is “Can we fix it” (Pink, 2010, para. 4). Leadership and management will be unable to help resolve issues if they don’t that they exist. The only way to know if their project is facing any challenges is simply by asking the right questions. Sometimes leadership asks the wrong questions, which results in receiving answers that are irrelevant. Somebody might ask the following question. “Do you know what time it is” and the question will be answered with a simple yes (Dennis, 2011, para 3). The individual asking the question really wanted to know what time it was and not whether or not you knew the time (Dennis, 2011). By asking the question incorrectly the individual did receive an answer but not the answer they were looking for (Dennis, 2011). This example stresses the importance of being specific when asking any type of question. The more specific the question, the more detailed the response. The more information that leadership and management has about the project, the more likely that they will be able help resolve any issues or constraints. An uniformed leader is likely to see their project fail,... ... middle of paper ... ...ved. If leadership is able to do these things they will have a recipe for success. References Bryce, C. E. (2011). Asking the right questions. Retrieved from http://www.enduring.org/article/asking-the-right-questions Clark, D. R. (2010). Leadership and direction. Retrieved from http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leaddir.html Dennis, T. (2011). Can you pass the red face test? Retrieved from http://www.workplaceinsanity.com/2011/01/can-you-pass-red-face-test.html Pink, D. H. (2010). “Can we fix it, is the right question to ask”. Retrieved from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/businessclub/7839988/Can-we-fix-it-is-the-right- question-to-ask.html Skellie, (2007). 5 Hard questions you should answer before starting a new project. Retrieved from http://www.skelliewag.org/5-hard-questions-you-should-answer-before- starting-a-new-project-193.htm

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