Similarities And Differences Between Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management
Although leadership and management have some similarities they are not the same, in fact, there are several differences between leadership and management. Management does not include leadership even though they are both used throughout an organization and could be used together and is often referred to as one. Leadership and management involve some interaction and communications in any organization. However, the methods that are used are not linked, but they may share a similar function.
Defining Leadership and Management
Leadership and management have several meanings and mean something different to everyone. Leadership has been defined similarly to management from time to time and can be defined by every individual …show more content…

”Leadership involves the exhibition of style or behavior by managers or supervisors while dealing with subordinates; leadership is a critical determinant of the employees ' actions toward the achievement of the organizational goals” (Saeed, Almas, Anis-ul-Haq, & Niazi, 2014). Leadership is a strength that initiates, inspires, and guides the cooperation and attitudes of others on the way to set vision. Leadership is influential and involves several styles of approaches that involve trust, accomplishment and focus to reach a projected result. Using and implementing the ideas of others motivates new thinking and gains the confidence to build the trust and encourage everyone to work to the same goals (Northouse, …show more content…

The method of leadership is almost as similar as management, and a leader can be a manager. “Both management and leadership are seen as positions of responsibility or accountability in an organization” (Edwards, Schedlitzki, Turnbull, & Gill, 2015). Leadership and management can relate and overlap within the roles and functions and are similar within one another in meaning. Together leadership and management direct the actions of a group or individually.
There are several differences between leadership and management leadership involves individuals who understand and trust in a vision and who work to accomplish the goals. While management is overseeing the day-to-day activities and ensure they are running smoothly. Management offers order and regularity throughout an organizations and leadership creates change and movement. Management seeks out order and stability while leadership is about seeking adaptively and construction change. Difference between leadership and management involves the approach that is used towards the individuals who follow the leader or work for the

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