Latin America Essay Questions

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Santi Sanchez
Professor Marks
Latin American Studies
October 11, 2017
Latin America Mid Term Question 1 Latin America is one of the most interesting areas to study, because each region has its own unique past. Every country in Latin America seems as though, even though are close in proximity, they are completely different in a lot of major ways. This, however, is not the common stereotype of Latin America. When looking at Latin America people often to group them all together and say that they are very similar in almost always. This is simply not the case. There is an incredible about of rich diversity and history all throughout Latin America. There are factors that have led to this wide range of diversity in Latin America. These factors …show more content…

The United Fruit Company, and its roots had incredible amounts of influence throughout Central America and Colombia. Samuel Zemurray started the banana monopoly in Honduras and it soon became a massive company that had millions invested in the Latin American countries that farmed their bananas. This lead to the United Fruit company to use its massive amount of money and influence to structure the government in its favor. It paid off president and politicians who favored their intentions. This unfortunately lead to the leaders of many Latin American countries taking the extra money to neglect their people. An example of the Untied Fruit Company’s influence can easily be illustrated in Guatemala. Their entire economy was basically based around the United Fruit Company and bananas. This lead to decades of presidents who facilitated things for the United Fruit company in exchange for benefits. This trend was finally broken when Jacobo Arbenz was elected in1951, but sadly political corruption is a trend that plagues a lot of Latin America to this …show more content…

The North America Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is a great example of a policy that favored the United States greatly. This agreement facilitated trade between the United States, Mexico, and Canada. This policy was implemented under the Clinton administration, and removed many of the trade tariffs between the United States and mainly Mexico. This has made it incredibly easy for the United States to trade with Mexico and for companies to move their manufacturing to Mexico for cheaper labor. Another example of a policy that influenced more of Latin America is the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was established in 1823 and basically stated that European nations could not interfere with any country in the Western Hemisphere. This at the time gave the United States a monopoly over Latin America, because they were the only major power in the Western Hemisphere at the time. The Monroe Doctrine is a clear example of the United States benefiting greatly at the expense of Latin American

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