Lake Erie Research Paper

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Lake Erie needs our help once again! From 1960-70 Lake Erie had a rough time with pollution and algae so we cleaned it up and now we have ruined it again. What all started the pollutants in the lake in the 1960s? Well factories started dumping their waste and pollution into the lake. On top of that farmers fertilizer started getting into the lake. The run off of the fertilizer on the farms would drain into Lake Erie. “As a result of these pollutants, Lake Erie contained increased levels of phosphorus and nitrogen, which contributed to eutrophication - a process that encourages the development of algal blooms.”, says Rotman. The pollutants was so bad people called Lake Erie the “dead lake” or “burning river”. After the disaster in the 1960s they managed to clean it all up. Ohio set aside state money to help provide for the clean up. The United States and Canada also signed an agreement to reduce the amount of phosphorus that went into the lake to make it cleaner. “Erie recovered then, thanks to a multibillion-dollar cleanup by the United States and Canada that became a legendary environmental success story.” (Wines). As they were cleaning up the lake they hired people to check the sewage before it went into it. People would check and make sure …show more content…

Lake Erie now is having bad algae blooms. For example in 2011 algae took up ⅙ of Lake Erie’s water. Photoshorus is sneaking back into the waters and feeding the algae, too. Since there is now more plastic, algae, and phosphorus than water the fish population has gone down which has caused charting fishers companies drop 40%! The water gets so dangerous sometimes you can’t drink the water because people are worried about the chemicals in the water affecting us. What’s causing all the algae? “ It's extreme weather that creates blooms.” (Pearson). Lake Erie has gone from bad, to the best example of ecosystem recovery, to the bad algae

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