Kindergarten Importance

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As we know in the past all of us went to the kindergarten. It was wonderful time. I think that kindergartens help us to communicate with other children, make us more friendly, amicable and kindly. Also they can develop our speech. Kindergarten is like a big part of our life, as a school and university. My research question is- "What is the importance of kindergarten". I chose this question because I want to prove to some parents who don't want to give their children here that kindergarten is useful for their children and them. I want to change their points of view.
When children go to kindergarten, their teachers teach them a lot of things. There are many differences between home and kindergarten. They have to learn to share things with other children. In the kindergarten, some things like toys, books, playground, art materials, etc. are for everyone; a child can’t own these things by himself. For example, if a girl is reading a book, and a boy also wants to read that book, the boy has to think a solution to this problem. The boy needs to express himself to the girl. Maybe they can share with each other, or maybe the boy has to wait until the girl finished reading the book. Learning to wait is also important to children, because we are living in groups not alone. We have to learn to respect other people. Thus, in the kindergarten children not only learn to share and wait. Oral language development is critical to vocabulary acquisition. When children are encouraged to talk about their experiences in a conversation with others, they will add words to their vocabulary. This helps them later when they begin reading independently. Oral language development in kindergarten will enable your child to build the backg...

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...rgarten, people can continue to go to work; the competition of the country doesn’t decrease. Also, the economic development of the country will increase. The country will be prosperous. Another reason is about crime rate. When our children go to kindergarten, they accept education. Their teachers will let them know what they can do and what they can’t do. And a kindergarten will help decrease criminal action. So kindergarten has a great effect on the development of the country.
To summarize, I want to say that these examples show why kindergarten is so important. It plays an important role to all social systems. It makes social systems operate normally, even better. Therefore, we can’t ignore the importance of kindergarten. Also I think that after my arguments all parents will really understand that kindergartens are the best places where they can lead your child.

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