Killing Of Caesar Essay

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In the story “Killing of Caesar”, by Jon Herman, Caesar is questioned to be a hero or a tyrant. “Sanitation, Sewage, and food all were seemingly under the control of Caesar”. Caesar provided for the people unlike the senate did. Gave to the people instead of taking like other ruler ships would do. Caesar did things for the people of Rome. “Caesar created jobs by buildings, roads, temples, and aqueducts”, this made the lower class of Rome happy, because more jobs means more money to go around. Caesar gave the people a hand into a descent financial stable life. Unlike the senate did, “The senate ruled Rome poorly, caring more about their own political squabbles than the people”. But Caesar didn’t do that. Furthermore Caesar gave the people events, “Caesar put on near constant chariot races and gladiatorial games”. For Rome Caesar was a blessing from the heavens. Caesar taking the time to please the people and rule efficiently too. He also saved people by his well connections, “The hungry hordes in the city were now given free bread”. Because of the shipment ordered, and “now continuously sailed up the Tiber …show more content…

Some thought he was always a sneaky person, and should not have the throne. Usually people would think Caesar was a thief for stealing the senate’s spot of ruler ship of Rome. Others may thin that he had no good intention, but to rule and for and for him to thrive in the riches of Rome. However these can be proven wrong by all the good deeds he performed to gain the people’s trust. Caesar built, gave, and introduced a new lifestyle to Rome for the better. “The hungry hordes in the city were now given free bread”, feeding those who were low class that the Senate didn’t worry about. He gave a lot and doing a lot like keeping Rome clean, providing food, and everything, all were seemingly under control of Caesar. Therefore Caesar being a hero is more

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