Khmer Empire Collapse

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The Fall of the Khmer Empire, By Angus Dean

The Khmer Empire is one of the most sophisticated empires in the world during its reign. It started in 802CE and fell in the 15th century. Under the Kings rule, Khmer slaves built humongous temples that still today. The capital of Khmer, Angkor, is located in Cambodia, Southeast Asia.
This report will discuss three reasons why the Khmer Empire fell: Climate Change, Invasion, and the complexity becoming too great to keep under control.

Climate Change is believed to be one of the main factors to the decline of the Khmer Empire.
During the mid-1300s and early 1400s “Megadroughts”, occurred, each lasting a roughly a decade. With the accompaniment of lasting monsoons that happen throughout Cambodia to this day. Scientists were able to look in the rings of very old trees to see the effects that the droughts caused. The Monsoons and long-lasting Droughts, the water preservation infrastructure, which is the 1200 square kilometre water management system, that connected the natural lake Tonle Sap to large man-made reservoirs, just could not handle it, and eroded, because of the continuous flooding. And Khmer …show more content…

Invaded other states as they did, threatening to overthrow Khmer as their status in power grew, because Khmer was one of the most powerful countries in the Southeast Asia region. With the threat of the Thai army, the Khmer Empire decided to improve their military forces, by taking the slaves who work on the water system and put them in the military. Of course, putting the saves onto the military meant, less slaves on the water management system, making it next-to impossible to repair all the damage on the system. As the Khmer Empire weakened, so did the trading system they had with other surrounding countries, meaning less supplies to sustain the population. Other countries realised this and joined with the new Thai military, and Ayutthaya invaded Khmer in

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