Kelly Moore: A Day in the Life of a Supermom Nurse

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Kelly Moore is a mom. On the outside she may seem like an ordinary mom. Kelly cooks, cleans, chauffeurs, and cares after her family. Since she is accustomed to a busy life she can most likely be found at, her oldest son, Eli’s basketball games, younger son, Emmett’s choir concerts, husband, Kirk’s Thursday night school meetings, or chasing after Oliver in the dog park. Juggling many events is one of her special talents. What most people may not know is that she is an angel in disguise. Even during the most hectic days she manages to put on her cute, bubbly scrubs and save lives. As an 18 year old girl with a dream to go big in soccer, Kelly, went to University of Central Florida and started school there. After injuring her ACL mid season she was unsure if the team would give her a second year to play. During her second year at UCF she decided that she wanted to become a registered nurse. Unable to recover correctly and play for the team at Central Florida, Kelly moved to East Carolina After 27 years of being a nurse she is well respected and knows what she’s doing. Kelly knows how to deal with the most devastating and gory situations and even the most rewarding and happy situations. After following her during the rainy night shift at the hospital I got to experience in first person what a true day, or should I say night, on the job is like. She was scheduled to help in the ER that night. A nurses shift is usually 9-12 hours consisting of two 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute break to eat. She is always on her feet, moving quickly and precisely. Having 3 patients to tend to she was constantly checking on them, moving back and forth, and providing for their many needs. Kelly deals with questionable odors, heart wrenching cries, bland food, below room temperature rooms and gaping wounds. It’s difficult to predict what smells, sounds and sights you 're going to have to deal with during the

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