Karen Horney's The Distrust Between The Sexes

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For as long as people can remember men and women have always been different. Women and men have always been classified as different, using different facilities and genders. In America we always try to keep things equal between women and men, and I believe we have done a pretty great job of that. “Emphasize that though women's and men's genders are different, they are always equal.” In the end women and men are truly different and honestly not the same humans at all. Emotionally they feel and react to things differently, they also take things in a different manner. Physically men cannot do what women can, considering giving birth or having children. The way they also handle things either hostility or not, women tend to be more none aggressive then men usually. Women are different from men by; emotionally, physicality, and hostility, Karen Horney in her text The Distrust Between the Sexes gives these examples. …show more content…

Men always say women over exaggerate or are too sensitive. Men can act this way too but women tend to take the emotional side of things a little more. Stephanie Foote says, “Women must have, much more act on, emotions.” Emotionally if a women when she is younger had a bad relationship with her father usually when their older having difficulties with men. Women who have better relations with their father have less difficulties with men when they are older. Emotionally as women we have higher emotions then men, and every month Mother Nature gives us a gift we don’t always want. As a women we were just born with higher emotions and are just more sensitive to what happens in

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