Kaplanidou And Cai's Model And Models Of Destination Branding Models

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Destination Branding Models
Different researchers have given their models of Destination Branding. They may differ from each other but the basic aim of all of them is same. They may follow different path but lead to same destination of building a Destination as a Brand through creating its Identity and Image in the tourists’ mind. Of the various available models, three models are being discussed in this study namely, Kaplanidou and Vogt Model, Cai’s Model and The Relational Network Brand Model (Hankinson Model).
1. Kaplanidou and Vogt Model (2003)
Kaplanidou and Vogt (2003) define destination brand about “how consumers perceive the destination in their minds”. The basic or core element of this model is to define and build Brand Identity. This is how the strategists or the Brand developers want the brand (Destination) to be perceived by the consumers (i.e. tourists). According to Kaplanidou and Vogt, brand identity should be developed capable to establish a relationship between the brand and the customer by generating value proposition. Further, five bases are defined in the model to manage Brand Identity, namely, brand image, brand personality, brand essence (soul), brand character and brand culture. So, to develop or build a Destination Brand the assigned organization must direct its efforts towards building Brand Identity through carefully managing the aforesaid five components.
2. Cai’s Model (2002)
According to Liping …show more content…

Hankinson’s Model (Relational Network Brand Model, 2004)
The model given by Hankinson is represented by a brand core and four categories of brand relationships, which are dynamic and evolve over time. The brand core represents a place’s identity, defined by three elements: (i) Brand personality, (ii) Brand position and (iii) Brand reality. The four categories of Brand Relationships identified by Hankinson are: (i) Consumer Relationships, (ii) Brand Infrastructure Relationships, (iii) Media Relationships and (iv) Primary Service

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