Juvenile Crime Case Study

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A Problem Exists
In today’s society there is a lot of crime going on that involves minors and the first thing that some people do is blame parents for the misbehavior. What if the minor lives in the home with an alcoholic mom, and a drug addict father, and the minor feels as though he/she is in the world alone. The definition of a minor is “an infant or person who is under the age of legal competence”. (http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/minor) The minor starts hanging with the wrong crowd to feel wanted and decides to rob a bank, he goes to jail, and is sentenced to prison. Now there are clearly things that contributed to the way the minor committed this crime but it does not make it okay either. He was not getting any attention at home so he …show more content…

Criminal psychology degree programs look at each of these factors to understand how they affect youth and how these negative influences can be curtailed”.(http://criminology.regis.edu/criminology-programs/resources/crim-articles/contributing-factors-to-juvenile-crime). Peer pressure is something that makes someone feels as though they have to do a certain thing if not others may not be their friend. There are a lot of kids who have to deal with this all throughout school in order to fit in with others or to feel wanted by their friends. For example: In school, girls and boys may be pressured to have sex because all their friends are doing it and it’s cool to do and nothing will happen. After that one time she becomes pregnant, in the back of her mind she may be thinking to herself that if I would not have had sex and remained celibate this would not have happened to me. The reason why she fell for it is because of the pressure to do it from

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