Jung Personality Test

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1. Describe a recent dream you had. Do you believe that there was any latent meaning behind the dream’s manifest content? Respond to one of your classmate’s dreams and speculate on that dream’s latent content.

I recently had a dream that I got into clinicals and failed out. I was trying so hard, but simply couldn't pass. I think this stems from the worries I have about school. Many students have told me how hard it is and it makes me worry.

2. Take the Personality test based on Jung’s theory and the Myers-Briggs assessment device at this web site: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp. Discuss the personality type that it identified for you. Do you feel that it accurately portrays you?

This is somewhat true. I do have strong feelings …show more content…

Of the four attachment styles defined by Bartholomew (Secure, Preoccupied, Dismissing, & Fearful), which of these most closely characterizes your attachment to your current or past romantic partners? Explain why you feel this way. Do your current or past partners have a different attachment style from you?

My attachment style is secure. I feel happy where I am at and I know my worth and the worth of my boyfriend. I feel that we both contribute and have a healthy relationship. I would say that he also shares the same attachment style. He seems very sure of our relationship and the place that it is in.

4. Look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy is most dominant in your life right now? That is, what need are you most concerned with right now? Explain why.

I would say self-actualization is dominant in my life at this time. I have been putting the majority of my time in to my future and what I will become. I am extremely focused on the things that I want to accomplish in

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