God And Attachment Theory

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Attachment theory and the role that attachment plays in healthy psychological development has long interested me. Research has shown that secure attachment produces positive long-term development (Bosmans & Kerns, 2015). Research is also showing that insecure attachment can produce various maladaptive behaviors, including anxiety disorders. Researchers Schimmenti, & Bifulco (2015) show compelling evidence linking anxiety disorders in young adults to insecure attachment styles. Schimmenti, & Bifulco’s (2015) hypothesis for their study was that parental emotional neglect during childhood increases the risk of anxiety disorders during late adolescence and young adulthood. They interviewed 160 youths between the ages of sixteen and thirty. 52% …show more content…

I believe it can also offer insight into one’s relationship with God. As a Christian, I accept the triune nature of God. One of the implications of the Trinity is that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are always in relationship with each other—they have healthy attachment or connection with one another. When God created Adam and Eve, he created them in his image (Genesis 1:27). Human beings, it would seem, are created to be in relationship, to be connected, with each other and with God. When we are young, healthy attachment contributes to healthy emotional growth and protects against the development of anxiety disorders. As we become adults, healthy connection with God can also guard against anxiety. In John chapter 15, Jesus teaches that we are to remain in, or remain connected to him, as he is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:4-5). A healthy connection with God can also prevent anxiety. Paul says in Philippians 4:6, “do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (The New International Version). Healthy attachment to God can offer peace even during difficult and uncertain circumstances. A position supported by

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