Julius Caesar Outline

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?Gaius? Julius Caesar

By: Bryson Hathaway


By looking at Julius Caesar, one can see that he was very successful in many ways most importantly in the way of leading an army. This is important because
Rome grew appreciably with Caesar in command.

Guiding Question:

How and why did Caesar grow the Roman Empire so much?

Early life:

Julius Caesar was born July 13, 100 BC to Gaius Julius Caesar who was an praetor (important person in government), and
Aurelia Caesar who was more known as the sister of the wife of the leader of ?the popular group.? When Julius, who dropped his real first name because it was the same as his father?s, was only 15 his father died. After that he started to move up in the world of the military …show more content…

So instead of following his leader?s orders he ran and hid from a certain death penalty, and returned to Rome after Sulla died.


Ceasar rose up the ranks in the military and quickly became the pontifex maximus or the chief priest. As he continued his military success and was elected consul, he wasn?t the only one, he was actually one of three.

Julius Caesar persuaded both Cassius and Pompey (the other two consuls) to work together and he would support them, but he had a high price, him being consul by himself. But he had a plot, his idea was to go to Gaul, he did this for two reasons one was to give his veteran soldiers land and also to expand his empire (this proves my thesis). Caesar had many victories in
Gaul and also tried to conquer Britain. This made Pompey jealous (Crassius had died in battle) and now both Caesar and
Pompey wanted to be sole consul.

Civil war:

With both Caesar and Pompey wanting to be consul it was almost inevitable that there wouldn?t be conflict. Caesar had broken the law by bringing his army into the home provenance and now it was a battle, Caesar against Pompey. Caesar only had a meger 21000 men against Pompey?s 46000. Both were military

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