Joseph Sher Research Paper

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January 30, 1933 is when the doors opened up to murder six million Jews by the Naiz’s that were controlled by Adolf Hitler. So many people were targeted by the Germans they were believed to be “ racially superior. ” For example Hitler and his Naiz’s were againist Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Homosexual’s.

Joseph Sher was born in a little town of Polish Krzepice his father Simon was a tailor as for his mother Felicia was a stay at home mom she took care of the house and children while her husband went out and did the labor work. Joseph had 2 brothers and 3 sisters because of one of his sisters he met his wife that lived nearby the city in Czestochowa. As Joseph got older and got more involved he realized there was no future for Jews he could raise his hand all day in school but would not get called on. In the streets of where he lived Jews can get beaten up and killed every Jewish mother had to walk to go pick up their kids because it wasn’t safe for the children to walk home at a young age from school but for being a women they had a little bit more respect.

And this is when …show more content…

4 workers back to back had to push carts all day long up the hills and bring them back down that were dangerous because they didn’t have brakes Joseph explained it that people got killed and beaten up everyday he was aware to not mess up because they will beat you till you’re no good to them and they would take you away and finish you off. One day Joseph was pushing a full barrel up the hill and a Ukrainian guard was passing by and decided to pick on Joseph and hit him right on top of the head with a stick Joseph began to cry telling the guard “ I was pushing with all my strength. I was careful to do exactly what they wanted, but you could not be safe.

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