Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes

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Nineteen Minutes Did you know that over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. According to “Approximately 160,000 teens skip school everyday because of bullying”.In the novel Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult readers get to see the effects that bullying plays on a victim. One of the main characters named Peter Houghton who plays the victim gets his revenge and turns bullies into victims themselves. One day Peter decided to take things into his own hands and stormed into Sterling High School with the intention to kill. It all started with Peter’s brother Joey who started to bully him when he was in kindergarten. Both Joey and his friends were very wrong doing to Peter. Joey would take Peter’s lunch box and …show more content…

He never got any playing time and he got bullied in the locker room. Peter would always try to avoid going into the showers after practice because of his dainty body, he was afraid of being made fun of. One day he was forced to take a shower and one of the abusers named Matt Royston who would deliberately bully Peter called him a “homo”. That made the bullying worse from the other people. His size difference made him an easy target for abuse during his middle school and high school years. In addition many jokes center around his sexual orientation. Many people may of thought it was just a joke but that doesn't change the suffering that Peter …show more content…

The results of bullying might grow and appear over time, damaging a person in multiple ways for the long term. There are so many effects of bullying that they are impossible to count or predict. People who bully don't take the effects it has on somebody into consideration. Finally Peter had enough, he finally snapped. He was bullied his whole life and felt like there wasn't a way out. People can get bullied by their own family, it doesn't have to be by other people. Unfortunately Peter had to deal with it at home and at

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