Job Redesign For Expanded HIM Functions Case Study

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Introduction In her article titled “Job Redesign for Expanded HIM Functions”, Elizabeth Layman focuses on an effective solution to the rapid changes that occur in the health care delivery system, particularly in Health Information Services (HIS). She proposes that redesigning work and jobs can be very helpful for all members that belong in the HIS Departments at working smarter. We will briefly summarize Layman’s case study in order to acquire a better understanding of one of the motivational factors in job design, namely job enrichment. Goal Setting Clear and measurable goals are necessary to help motivate employees and give them direction. Although not necessarily specific in nature, in order to motivate HIS members to work smarter, Layman (2010) suggests the goal of redesigning work and jobs, focusing specifically on concepts of organizational theory, behavior, and context theory. As a measure, she points out that environmental monitoring produce indicators of change that can help directors and managers determine when work and job redesigning may be necessary to achieve realignments at the department level. These indicators include: • Sector changes, which can be caused by factors such as technology and cultural shifts. • Organizational changes, where demographic changes such as the age of the population may affect the type of service rendered. • …show more content…

This technique is used purposefully in bureaucratic or batch environments to counteract boredom in routine tasks. But Layman is also quick to point out that job enrichment may not necessarily work well for employees, the reason being is that this technique adds more tasks, which can be viewed by workers as added stress rather than an aid to reduce

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