Job Evaluation: Organization Strategy And Strategy In An Organization

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1.Organization strategy and objectives: Job evaluation aligns with the business and organization's strategy by including what it is about work that adds importance and contributes to the organization's strategy and how it achieves its objectives.

Flow of work: Job evaluation supports work by incorporating each different job's pay with its relative contributions to the organization, and secondly by setting pay for new, one-off, or other changing jobs within the organization.

Fairness: Job evaluation can and does reduce different disputes and complaints employees have over pay differences among jobs by determining an agreed-upon structure that reduces the chance of favoritism and any other bias in setting pay for employees.

Motivate people's behaviors toward organization objectives: Job evaluation calls out to employees what it is about their work that the organization values and also what supports the business strategy and its key factors contributing towards the success of the organization. It can also help …show more content…

4.With job evaluation, the evaluation of jobs reflects the internal job structure inside that organization. This structure and the main relationships among jobs are the basis of internal alignment. Job evaluation can help gain employee acceptance of pay differences among jobs in an organization. The usefulness of job evaluations is that it provides a framework for an exchange of views and opens discussions and communication. Job evaluation can link internal alignment and external market pressures because it looks at the core functions and then that is based on what the market wages and vice

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