Job Analysis In Criminal Justice

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A Job Analysis comprises of necessary attributes an appraisal of the persons understanding, talents, capabilities, and other personal characteristics needed for good job performances, (Spector Paul E., 2012).According to Banneck, Levine, and Morgeson, “ It is a method for describing jobs, and/ or human attributes necessary to perform them, By making the procedure systematic, Describing the components of the job, rather than the overall job, The analysis result in some written product either electronic or on paper. “(Spector Paul E. 2012). Job analysis is the efficient review of jobs to decide what actions and tasks they involve, their vital significance in contrast with other jobs, the individual experiences needed for functioning of the jobs and the circumstances under which the job is accomplished. A significant hypothesis in job analysis is that an assessment is carry out of the job. In other words, this process is meant to explain what are some of the qualities needed to complete a specified position, and what are the precise duties included in that position. When it comes to job analysis, there are two key styles that can be selected. The first, job-oriented approach, seeks to present knowledge concerning the feature of the job itself, and what kind of duty is connected with it. The second approach, …show more content…

This technique involves collecting working documents on a person from a variety of people related professionally to him or her, such as supervisors, offenders, outside agencies, colleagues. A self-evaluation is also part of this process. For a probation officer, this method would be effective because he or she could get a realistic idea of what others think about his or her skills. On the negative aspect, getting reaction from several resources can be extremely terrifying, and a self- assessment is seldom accurate ("Performance Appraisal Methods",

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