Job Analysis: Campbell's Model Of Job Performance

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The basics of job analysis start with the Model of Performance where you evaluate the actions and behaviors of effective productivity. Within Campbell’s Model of Job Performance you will find three ways to judge job effectiveness Declarative knowledge, Procedural knowledge & skill, and Motivation. Also complementing these three ways to judge job effectiveness by Campbell are eight basic performance components that have a required three qualities such as Core task proficiency, Demonstrated effort, and Maintenance of personal discipline. Campbell shows how effectiveness meets the relevance in the job and ends the first part of job analysis. Task performance and Contextual performance pick up on Campbell’s idea of motivation do you just work to get said task done or do you go above and beyond. …show more content…

OCB are behaviors that go above and beyond of what is projected and CWB are behaviors that will go against the welfare of the company, worker or both. Why these dimensions are interesting and important to I/O Psychologists are easily seen with an upstanding of the top and bottom potential of behavior you as an I/O Psychologists can design a plan to help fix or sustain your company. This ideal can limit or enhance some of the causes of these OCB/CWB behaviors and the impact of them in the workplace, such as for CWB you can limit theft for self-gain and for OCB you can enhance altruism throughout the workplace thus delivering a common good/ goal. The importance of adaptive and proactive behavior in OCBs/CWBs is simple adaptive behavior helps fast changing workplaces from failing because of the flexibility in this behavior. Now proactive behavior has the characteristics of foresight and in a highly structured company, the low-risk well plan out behavior is

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