Jesus And Religion

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It is my opinion that Jesus came to revolutionize the world. I believe that He came to transform the way that we think about God, about creation, and about ourselves. I believe that His methodology of teaching about relationships was designed to show mankind the significance that we hold in the heart and mind of God. God’s relationship with us is unlike that with any of his other creations. It is mankind into whom God breathed “the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7). It is mankind who was formed and created in the very image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27). It is mankind who is loved so much by God that God sent a theophany of Himself to ransom our souls. God’s relationship with mankind is so mind-boggling until the psalmists in Psalm …show more content…

We failed and we fell, and we could no longer propitiate God with sacrifices of grain, barley, goats, and cattle; so through the genealogy of forty-two generations, God sent Jesus. As He preached and healed, He taught about the love of the Father, and He ministered the message of “redemptive relationship.” Having, prioritizing, and honoring a relationship with God was the message behind everything that Jesus did. It was truly important to Jesus that we recognize and accept our place in the kingdom of God. He wanted us to know who we are in the eyes of God, the Father. We are the apple of God’s eye, and “we are God’s masterpiece” (Ephesians 2:10 New Living Translation). Long after He would have left the earth in His physical form, Jesus wanted us to recall His teaching, His ministry, and His purpose as they pertain to our relationship with God, so on the night that He last ate with the disciples, He urged them to have similar commemorative meals for years to come, but He made one simple request of them. He asked that as often as they would partake in these commemorative meals, that they would simply REMEMBER HIM (Luke …show more content…

It gives us HOPE. Hope that a brighter tomorrow is possible. Hope that goals are achievable. Hope that God will always love me enough to make things work together for my good. Remembering Him should give us INSPIRATION to believe that I can have whatever God wants me to have…that I can do whatever God says I can do … and that I can be whoever and whatever God has called and ordained me to be. Remembering Him should give us MOTIVATION to press on, to hang in there, to keep working and walking and living and loving.

God promised us that if we would simply remember Him in the good times and even during the overwhelming times, then He would keep us in perfect peace. He promised that He would give us peace because keeping our minds on Him demonstrates the level of trust that we have in Him (Isaiah 26:3). Simply put, when we remember God, He helps us to handle life at its most intense moments and still come out with grace. SECTION

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