What Is The Development Of Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development?

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Jean Piaget (1896-1980), a developmental psychologist, thoroughly researched and evaluated the cognition of children from infancy to adulthood (Swartwood, 2012, pp. 46). The experimental data gathered produced the formation of four Piagetian stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations (Swartwood, 2012, pp. 49). The sensorimotor phase (0 – 2 years) acknowledges sensory and motor maturation while addressing the description of object permanence, a lasting recollection of an item previously withdrawn from the visual perspective (Swartwood, 2012, pp. 50). Secondarily, the preoperational stage (2 – 7 years) incorporates, among additional components, symbolic representation, the association of physical …show more content…

52). Lastly, the formal operational phase (11 years – adult) demonstrates a psychological growth in hypothetico-deductive reasoning, the proposal of a theory, while utilizing scientific thinking as validation (Swartwood, 2012, pp. 54). The Piagetian tasks of conservation of volume and prediction were administered to two adolescent males who acted as experimental subjects so as to thoroughly investigate the inherent nature of the cognitive development of children. Daniel, a six-year-old, Kindergarten boy, weighs fifty-nine pounds and is three feet ten inches in height. Gabriel, a nine-year-old, fourth grade boy, weighs seventy-three pounds and is four feet seven inches in height. Regarding Daniel, the Piagetian exercise of conservation of volume was hypothesized to have been a mechanism posing problematic features. Similarly, the activity exhibiting prediction would have Piagetian Task 3 seemingly generated confusion and misunderstanding for Daniel. Contrastingly, the

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